What is the 2nd digit in 217903?

The first digit is called the hundred thousands place. It tells you how many sets of one hundred thousand are in the number. The number 495,784 has four hundred thousands. The second digit is the ten thousands place.Click to see full answer. Also question is, what is the value of the digit 4 in 459?

The first digit is called the hundred thousands’ place. It tells you how many sets of one hundred thousand are in the number. The number 495,784 has four hundred thousands. The second digit is the ten thousands’ place.Click to see full answer. Also question is, what is the value of the digit 4 in 459? Hundreds Tens Ones 4 5 9 Secondly, how do you find the second digit of a number? 3 Answers. You can do it by dividing by ten and then taking the remainder of division by ten: int second = (number / 10) % 10; In general, you could think of integer-dividing by a k -th power of ten as of dropping k least significant digits. Additionally, what is digit value? In math, every digit in a number has a place value. Place value can be defined as the value represented by a digit in a number on the basis of its position in the number.What is the place value of 6 in 64?Each digit has a value depending on its place called the place value of the digit. Place value of a digit = (face value of the digit) × (value of the place). Hence, the place value of 6 in 64 = 6 x 10 = 60.

