What is Giannis Antetokounmpos Diet and Workout Routine that Helps Him Stay in Shape?

Built like a defensive back with the speed of a wing player, Giannis Antetokounmpo is one of the most athletically gifted players in the NBA. His nickname 'The Greek Freak' epitomizes his rare physical attributes and has given rise to some serious envy among his Milwaukee Bucks teammates.

Built like a defensive back with the speed of a wing player, Giannis Antetokounmpo is one of the most athletically gifted players in the NBA. His nickname 'The Greek Freak' epitomizes his rare physical attributes and has given rise to some serious envy among his Milwaukee Bucks teammates.

The 27-year-old is admired for his speed and ball-handling skills. He has come far in the game, thanks to his dedication to physical fitness and natural talent for basketball.

On that note, here's a look at Antetokounmpo's workout routine and diet plan that helps him stay in shape:

Giannis Antetokounmpo's Workout Routine

Getting shredded like Giannis Antetokounmpo doesn’t just happen by chance. His upper body workouts are as intense as they get.

Every Monday and Wednesday, he hits the weights, focusing on dynamic exercises to increase strength and endurance. He does them twice a day for at least an hour every session.

Antetokounmpo spends his Tuesdays and Thursdays working on his lower body. He works out the same way he does for his upper body, with varying amounts of reps and sets.

He ends his exercises in about an hour and a half and does them all over again later in the day. That may sound crazy, but Antetokounmpo is always going after it — and he has got the nickname 'Freak' for a reason.

Antetkounmpo hits the hardwood every day to hone his skills on the court. He may get a decent amount of cardiovascular exercise, but to thrive in the constant back and forth nature of basketball, it’s not enough for him to simply rely on that.

On Fridays and Saturdays, Antetokounmpo focuses on cardio. In the pool, he swims a few laps; on a treadmill, he will engage in HIIT sessions. He also does sprints in the gym and longer distances outside.

Giannis Antetokounmpo's Diet Plan

Antetokounmpo typically has a protein shake about 45 minutes before his workout each day. He also constantly drinks water throughout the day to keep his muscles hydrated.

During the season, he has enough carbs and protein to maintain his energy level. However, his carb intake is not too high, as he has to lose weight and gain muscle. During the offseason, Antetokounmpo did not worry about eating healthy foods, but now he has added fruits and vegetables to his diet.

For breakfast, he eats fresh fruits, eggs, and oatmeal. He has steak in his other meals and chicken or salmon for protein.

Carbs are important, as they provide energy, so he limits them but doesn’t cut them out completely. As he expends so much energy during his workouts, he has six smaller meals throughout the day to help with digestion and nutrient absorption.


Giannis Antetokounmpo's workout is not for the faint-hearted. The reigning NBA Most Improved Player is a well-seasoned professional athlete.

The Greek Freak's dedication to maintaining his body for his sport is an excellent example of how talent and size can only get you so far. You have to work hard to be better than the best.

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