Roblox Milk Tycoon Codes for November 2022: Free Cows

Roblox Milk Tycoon is a Roblox game that was developed and released by 'Soaring Games' on March 8, 2022. Despite being a fairly new game in the Roblox Metaverse, the game has managed to garnish more than 11 million visits within such a short period.

Roblox Milk Tycoon is a Roblox game that was developed and released by 'Soaring Games' on March 8, 2022. Despite being a fairly new game in the Roblox Metaverse, the game has managed to garnish more than 11 million visits within such a short period.

It revolves around the concept of owning a dairy farm, having a variety of cows, and getting them to produce as much milk as possible to sell them for in-game money. Players need to work hard on their farms to have a good collection of cows. Taking good care of one’s cattle will reward the farmer handsomely.

Maintaining a dairy farm can be quite challenging and upgrading the milk empire will require a vast amount of cows to make the tallest 'Cow Tower' in the entire metaverse.

Here's a list of active codes that can grant players the option to add new cows to their herd and tap out more juice from them.

Get free Cows using these Roblox Milk Tycoon Codes in November 2022

Active codes in Milk Tycoon

Below is a list of working codes as of November 2022 that will grant players free cows to expand their milk empire and come on top of the leaderboard:

  • Miscowculation - Redeem this code to receive four Cows
  • Cowntry - Redeem this code to receive five Cows
  • Mooment - Redeem this code to receive four Cows
  • lawn mooer - Redeem this code to receive four Cows
  • Moochas gracias - Redeem this code to receive one Chocolate Cow
  • Cowabunga - Redeem this code to receive three Cows
  • Cowmedian - Redeem this code to receive three Cows
  • Bullseye - Redeem this code to receive four Cows
  • Cowculus - Redeem this code to receive three Cows
  • Deja moo - Redeem this code to receive three Cows

Inactive codes in Milk Tycoon

The following codes are no longer working in the game. However, players can try using them in the event that they are still redeemable for that particular account. We wouldn't suggest getting your hopes high as these codes will likely be gone forever, but there's no harm in trying them out.

  • Moona Lisa - Redeem this code to receive two free Cows
  • Cowinator3000 - Redeem this code to receive three free Cows
  • Cow tower - Redeem this code to receive three Free Cows
  • Moogan Freecow - Redeem this code to receive one Chocolate Cow
  • 150Likes - Redeem this code to receive free Cows
  • MooMoo - Redeem this code to receive two free Cows
  • ProjectMoo - Redeem this code to receive two free Cows

How to redeem Milk Tycoon Codes in Roblox

It is fairly easy to redeem the codes in Milk Tycoon. Follow these simple steps to do the same in Roblox Milk Tycoon:

  • Launch Roblox Milk Tycoon on the preferred device.
  • Click on the "Codes" button on the side of the screen.
  • Copy the required code from the list and paste it into the "Text box"
  • Click on the "Submit" button to redeem the code and claim the rewards

Players will immediately receive their rewards right after the redemption process is completed. The codes are usually case-sensitive and it is advised to recheck them before hitting the 'Enter' button.

It is best to copy and paste the active codes using the list provided earlier throughout the procedure.

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