The Grenada, Mississippi prostitution industry has just taken a major hit as Love After Lockup Lothario Tony has reportedly taken his wife Angela’s money and car and is now making it rain on the ladies of the night in Idaho!
Angela and Tony have a long history of breaking up and getting back together, but this time sounds like it might be permanent. Angela enlisted the help of Jesus to break the news on Instagram Saturday. She posted a meme of a Jesus statue pointing and giving the thumbs up that reads: “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, bro!” Then, Angela spilled the break up tea in the caption.
“What do you think @tony.loveafterlockup?” Angela wrote. “You sure have been quiet about this… guess you run across the country to be a coward and get your Mama to baby you… hell thats what is wrong with you now!!! Thats totally and completely okay with me… but DONT CALL MY ASS WHEN YOU END BACK UP IN PRISON . . some things are inevitable!!!”
Angela concluded her caption with a string of hash tags that included #nomorebabysitting, #happylife, #youwillbebackinjail, #dontcallme, #callyourmama, #ifshewillanswer and #brutalhonesty.
Angela returned to Instagram on Sunday and shared a video clip of herself setting fire to a stack of photos of Tony with the help of some lighter fluid:
View this post on InstagramAngela explained the mini-bonfire in her caption:
I’m on the move today getting rid of Tony from my life so I burned this and a few other things. Im not wasting a damn cardboard box to send him this sh*t! If it had any importance to him he would have gotten it before he left. Its his picture album he had while he was in prison… pictures of me and him… him and his family and some pen pal nasty pics of girls who was talking to him while he was locked up!! I keep thinking he would confront me for talking about his mom and his addiction to her tit but I am still waiting on the coward to show his face… maybe my hatefulness will keep him the f*** away from me when he needs something or goes back to jail!! Im thinking about taking a trip to nampa idaho to get my damn car back!!! I do have a key and I do know the address!!! Hopefully he still has my 4k dollars he stole from me!!! I doubt it… he probably spent it on prostitutes, drugs, and alcohol!!!
The break up news came as a mild shock to Angela’s followers as she and Tony seemed to be getting along fairly well. Tony recently graduated community college, and the two of them had even taken up the hobby of painting together. So what happened?!
Angela conceded in the comments that her and Tony’s relationship was “going okay” before the goose and gander quote inspiration went down. “He just wanted to hang out with some little 19 year old chic friends of his but when I chose to hang with my guy friend he acted like a coward,” Angela explained. That’s when Tony decided to show off his talent for going on the lam.
Angela says that Tony “jumped in my z car stole 4k dollars from me grabbed some of his belongings and hauled ass to his moms.” (Tony’s mom resides in Nampa, Idaho.) “I am glad he is gone!!” Angela continued. “I felt like I was dumbing myself down just being in his presence. I deserve more than some dude who needs to still be on the tit!!” Angela explained that there is no use reporting the car stolen because the title is in both their names.
COMMENT: You should date men who aren’t in prison. You have soooooo much to offer a man. Not all prisoners are doomed for a life of crime when they get out. Some really do turn themselves around. But he obviously isn’t one of them if he’s still messing up. Also I understand not wanting to date your friend and ruining the friendship. But please for your sake fine yourself a good guy you deserve.
ANGELA: Yes I do agree… some inmates do change and Tony tried and was making progress but he is definitely stuck in teenage years and obviously doesn’t want to get unstuck. He likes it there because he doesn’t have to be responsible for anything. Video games, alcohol, and playing with his 18 year old friends doing teenage sh*t is too much fun for him to want to do anything more in life.
Numerous commenters asked about Angela’s good friend Tommy, who revealed his romantic interest to Angela on the show. “I couldn’t ruin our friendship attempting a relationship,” Angela explained. “I’m going to keep him as my friend. He is a wonderful person.” However, in another comment thread, Angela seemed to throw a little shade at her black-belted boy bestie.
COMMENT: I understand you not wanting to ruin your friendship with your friend – but, what you’re looking for is more than likely right in your face. This said, I wouldn’t recommend it NOW, because I feel like you need to work on you first. He’s a good man though and he seems to adore you. I pray you can heal, find inner peace and happiness one day. ❤️ im good girl. I got inner peace now that he is gone. I hate all the work he and I did to help him grow was all in vain!! That is the sad part!! But its sad for him not for me!! Thank you for your prayers. They are appreciated!❤️
COMMENT: I used to be superficial when I was a lot younger. At 43, my thought process has changed. I used to feel that way about dating men close to my height. (I’m 5’3). This said, I’ve been treated and (banged) very well by men I would have otherwise turnt my nose up at when I was younger, thought and acted like a child. 😌
ANGELA: Oh I so understand. I dont really consider myself superficial. I just know I am not a woman to sit around and wait on any man to do something for me so I can be a bit intimidating to some men whether it be physically or intellectually. Tommy’s feelings would be hurt. I dint think he can keep up with me anyway.
OK. Well, If Tommy’s arms aren’t big enough and he can’t keep up with Angela, what about her inmate friend Ross who was recently released? Angela was promoting him quite heavily on Instagram, encouraging any interested women to contact him before his release so they could reap the romantic rewards after. Unfortunately for Angela, it appears that Ross has been taken. Literally! Against his will?!
ANGELA: Ross is in California with a psycho fan of mine. She chased Tony all the way across the country and came to my hometown and met Tony when I was in New York for a couple of days last year. So when Ross got out she preyed on his vulnerability and has kidnapped him and temporarily moved him to Cali. Crazy how she is so obsessed with chasing my men all the way across the country. I dont know if its an obsession with me or with just inmates in general…. seems more like an obsession with me. But if that is what Ross wants then that is what he gets. Its obviously a case of opportunity because nothing is appealing about her. JS…
COMMENT: A psycho fan of yours? An obsession with you? Wow conceited much? No…has nothing to do with you at all (must be good for your ego to think that though 🙌) …..I would know ..she my wifey. And he was kidnapped??? Lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 How bout you don’t talk about sh*t you don’t know.
ANGELA: Well the conclusion can be made that there are 2.3 million people incarcerated yet she chose my 2 inmates to chase across the country? If you ran some statistical analysis on those numbers I am certain there would be a correlation of obsession with me. JS. She also hates me. She has a cease and desist on me because I called her ass out on scheming with my husband to meet up with him after she drove across country to see him. You might even be her hiding behind a fake account because she is blocked on my page. Sure is funny that you are being so defensive.. I just say what it looks like and for some strange reason you get all butt hurt. Oh by the way… its not conceit its confidence. I have plenty of humility about me!! Have a wonderful day!!!
ANGELA: You got it wrong… I went into my husband’s Instagram account that I legally had the password to and seen where he made plans with the skank to meet up in Grenada. I simply posted a screenshot of their words..I called her from his FB and told her to leave my husband alone but she kept up with some try to be sneaky sh*t contacting him. . I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true. She got butthurt because her ass got outed and she sent me a cease and desist that she probably printed off the internet claiming some defamation BS.. drama queen? You are all up in it too… I do reality TV!!! Whats your excuse for the drama?
Wow! I had no idea that released male felons are harder to get than GameStop stock on Robinhood! (Is that reference too obscure?) Angela had A LOT more to say in the comments, so I will wrap this post up with some mostly unedited highlights for you.
View this post on InstagramCOMMENT: Lady you really thought he would change for you? 🤣🤣🤣 they always say what you wanna hear so they can get whatever they want from you.
ANGELA: I disagree. He did try to change. He wants to be a real man.. he just can’t seem to get there. I have seen the work he put in… seriously!!
ANGELA: You can’t make a grown man be accountable if he doesn’t want to!! He tried and he failed. Whats enabling that? Its a fact!!!
ANGELA: I have a very deep love for people that is put in my spiritual path whether they are a convict or whoever. I feel deep empathy for convicts because they are so oppressed. I try to be a voice and give hope to those who are locked up that crosses my path. There are 2.3 million people incarcerated.. I can’t be that voice and hope for all of them but I do what I can for who I can. I just fell in love with dumbass and I know he still needs me but I can only give so much of myself away. I honestly don’t know how to be any more genuine or authentic than I am being.
ANGELA: Glad you are happy dude but you seem really angry about the choices I make for my life. I did my best to hold tony accountable but he is a grown man and I have very little control over what he does. I will call him out on all of his BS but I cant make him openly admit to something he chooses to do or deny. Thats all I can do. I am not a victim. I made every choice I made knowing what the consequences could be. Im not crying about it.
COMMENT: Yep! I married one of those mamas boys. I also divorced him 11 months later! I couldn’t handle the fact that his family coddled him so much. Nope! You’ll find someone who appreciates you. 🙌
ANGELA: I can’t deal with the coddling BS. That IS the problem with him… “oh I can’t call him out on his sh*t because it might hurt his feelings and if it hurts his feelings he might not like me anymore!!!” (In his moms voice) she should have kept her ass out of my relationship. I hope she is reading this.
COMMENT: God you think he would have learnt by now! Jezzzzz! 🙄 xx
ANGELA: His mama won’t let him. She has to ” justify” all of his stupidity!! And keep him on the nipple!
COMMENT: You coddled him, too. 🙄
ANGELA: You are mistaken… I broke him down when deserved it and built him up when he deserved it. I dont coddle men… the editing part of the show caused some people some misconception about me. I challenge men… no man ever gets an ego feed from me unless it is TRULY deserved…
COMMENT: You shouldn’t have to challenge a man to make him be the man you need him to be for you.
ANGELA: Well men can’t seem to be the man I need them to be… im yet to find one and I have had a few inmates and free world me and none can seem to do what it takes and I dont even mean sexually. All I expect is to be as good or greater than me . Its not that hard. I dont need a man or really even want one. They all are so disappointing.
COMMENT: I get it. I used to feel that way. It wasn’t the men though, it was me. I was broken, attracting the wrong ones and accepting bull$hit. I had to look in the mirror and heal. I think you’re genuinely a kind and caring person, and you can find true love and be happy – but, it starts with you. When I worked on me, I started attracting a different type of man.
COMMENT: Of course it’s wrong for people to mistreat, abuse and use. But, I had to come to the realization, they only did what I let them do. I understand you not wanting to ruin your friendship with your friend- but, what you’re looking for is more than likely right in your face. This said, I wouldn’t recommend it NOW, because I feel like you need to work on you first. He’s s good man though and he seems to adore you. I pray you can heal, find inner peace and happiness one day. ❤️
ANGELA: I dont need to work on anything except staying away from grown ass men that act like children. I would never be in a relationship with tommy. Hell my arm muscles are bigger than his. I can’t do that!! JS.
ANGELA: Im good girl. I got inner peace now that he is gone. I hate all the work he and I did to help him grow was all in vain!! That is the sad part!! But its sad for him not for me!!
COMMENT: I used to be superficial when I was a lot younger. At 43, my thought process has changed. I used to feel that way about dating men close to my height. (I’m 5’3). This said, I’ve been treated and (banged) very well by men I would have otherwise turnt my nose up at when I was younger, thought and acted like a child. 😌
ANGELA: Oh I so understand. I dont really consider myself superficial. I just know I am not a woman to sit around and wait on any man to do something for me so I can be a bit intimidating to some me whether it be physically or intellectually. Tommy’s feelings would be hurt. I dint think he can keep up with me anyway.
COMMENT: Angela are you okay xxx
ANGELA: Thanks for asking!!! I am great!! This fool can not hurt me. I been through too much prior to him… Everything will be okay!! ❤️
COMMENT: His loss he knows what he has n he knows u will take him back try n b strong n show him tough love u really don’t need to b stressed over him life is too short 🙏🏻
ANGELA: Im not stressing over him. He is not coming back here. He is now his mothers problem. I done got his ass straight but she wants to tear down every bit of progress he has made. She doesn’t do it intentionally . Obviously she doesn’t realize enabling and treating him like a damn teenager is not good for him.
COMMENT: Right he has made so much progress being with u to just throw all that away smh he will regret it
ANGELA: He will definitely be back in prison soon!! I have not been wrong yet about his stupidity!!!
COMMENT: Oh no!! That doesn’t sound good 🙁 I was loving your smiles and seeing you two together and happy 😢
COMMENT: How embarrassing at Tony’s age to be hanging out with 18 year olds.. he’s old enough to be their Dad 😂 They do say that the age you go into prison, is the age developmentally you come out sadly..
COMMENT: They do like it responsibility, no bills to pay unlike us in the real world trying to get by. My guy would pull a stunt once a month just to go to the Er and get pain meds..then he would get a 3 day stay in a rehab. 31 years old and had been to rehab over 40 times. Most of the rehabs wouldn’t even take him because he never got better..40 times…that’s just nuts. He liked being the victim. Find someone to take care of him. And moves from one relationship right into another…always had one ready to take him and believe his bs story about I’m an addict, I’m sick, I need help…pure narcissist bs
ANGELA: Sounds just like Tony for sure!!!
COMMENT: Lol oh man, f*** that guy. Always liked you Angela, you deserve so much more than this!!
ANGELA: You damn right I deserve more than some immature dumb ass! Im too good for some titty sucking brat!!!
COMMENT: I just don’t think Tony knows how to be an adult. In prison they really don’t have to think for themselves they are told when & where. Before that he had his mama then you. He needs to grow up and learn how to live without a crutch of women or drugs. The best gift he can give you is your freedom. Take it and move on. I was with a man from prison. The love letters and calls were intense. I spent so much money supporting our relationship. I drive 9 hours to get him after 2 years and within 3 days he left me broke and alone in a hotel. I do believe he loves you as much as Tony can.
ANGELA: I totally agree with you. I tried so hard to help him grow up. Dont get me wrong… he made progress but he went to his mothers for a 2 week vacation and has ended up with extreme regression and very immature decision making. He absolutely loves me as much as he possibly can. I honestly know that!!! but I want more and I deserve more!!!
COMMENT: Its so difficult. The are emotional stunted. They need someone on them 24 7 to keep them doing the right thing. Then you start to resent them. You get tired if being Mom not Girlfriend…
ANGELA: Exactly right and you just aren’t in the same place in life and because of the mental stunt they don’t want to go anywhere except the liquor bottle and the XBOX.
COMMENT: Lol who’s the dumb one here, him or you? 😂😂😂
ANGELA: Not me… I always going to win!!!
COMMENT: How do you win tho??? You know you’ll take him back as soon as he says sorry. Same old sh*t as always.
ANGELA: He is not coming back!! I dont even think he will try. I hurt his ego real bad this time. He can’t handle that. He will never return!!
ANGELA: Im done!! Moving on!! Seriously!! The sex sucke[d]… he dont pay bills. He is a manchild. I tried to work through our issues but he chooses to be cowardly! I can only tolerate so much cowardness!
COMMENT: This didn’t surprise me one bit quit being blind to this little boy …
ANGELA: Im not blind. I just gave him chances to grow up… but thats not going to happen!
COMMENT: You hold onto hope. Hopefully they’ll change, they’ll do fine for a month or a couple of months but then you discover it was all a lie. My situation was worse I didn’t date someone in prison but I was in “my own prison” being with my ex husband. I use to believe he could change … he just convinced you and gave you empty promises, false hope. I never burned a thing or cut up clothes etc. Sometimes it’s just best to take a step back and figure out a plan to remove him from your life. Move, take a break, people don’t change you just get to know the real “them” @angela.loveafterlockup I hope this finds you! Can’t tell you it’s all going to be fine, it’s going to be hard and drain you in the process. Prayers for you girly!
ANGELA: Its going to be fine believe me!! This is not my first rodeo… I have given my whole adult life to cowardly ass men … I got this!! Thank…
COMMENT: Heard that before
ANGELA: He didnt steal my 4k and my car then either!!!
COMMENT: I am in Idaho… whats he doing here?
ANGELA: He has family there!! Lock up your sh*t and stay locked and loaded!! Just saying!!
Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)