Kathy Taylor-Nieto Obituary, Learn More About Kathy Taylor-Nieto

Kathy Taylor-Nieto Obituary, Death Cause My amazing mother, Kathy Taylor-Nieto, left this world on July 21st, and it breaks my heart to tell everyone of my family and friends that Ive met through the internet of her passing. After being taken to the hospital on Mothers Day with a variety of unanticipated health difficulties, and


Kathy Taylor-Nieto Obituary, Death Cause – My amazing mother, Kathy Taylor-Nieto, left this world on July 21st, and it breaks my heart to tell everyone of my family and friends that I’ve met through the internet of her passing.
After being taken to the hospital on Mother’s Day with a variety of unanticipated health difficulties, and after struggling for more than two months in the intensive care unit, and eventually being moved to hospice care…

She has at long last arrived in Heaven, where she will be reunited with all of the people who were so important to her while she was on this earth, including my father, the man who was the love of her life. There are not enough words in the English language for me to express both how devastated I am by her passing and how grateful I feel to having had her in my life for as long as I did, serving as my mother, my closest friend, and my number one supporter. I have no doubt in my mind that if I had a different mother, I would not be alive and well now.

Period. To raise children after they’ve lost their father (and her, the love of her life) when they were young, to survive a car accident shortly after that left her nearly with a broken back and almost paralysed, to the ins and outs of continuing to face adversity, struggles, and many more obstacles with nothing but LOVE at all times… is why she was, and will always be, the most amazing blessing that God has given me- and my absolute Hero forever.

As a commitment to both myself and to you, Mother… I assure you that I will always be everything that you have helped me become by supporting me and making sacrifices for me. to make a wonderful impact on this world every single day, and to not let anyone or anything discourage me from that mission in my heart or from the kind of man you raised me up to be. I will not let anyone or anything deter me from that mission in my heart.

I will not let anyone or anything deter me. I’m going to cry, I’m going to lament, and I’m just going to miss the heck out of you forever… However, I assure you that I won’t stop trying. (I’m aware that even if I don’t, you’ll still figure out a way to get down here and kick my behind…)

Even though the Lord has blessed me with a large number of guardian angels watching over me, I can say with certainty that I now know who will be in charge of that group. Because it was a blessing to have you as my Angel while I had you in this world throughout your existence, and even now even after you have passed on, just know that…

