Eliza - Baby Name Meaning, Origin, and Popularity

Eliza is one of our favorite names; we love its combination of streamlined modernity and Eliza Doolittle charm and spunk and offer Eliza as one of our top recommendations. It's both a classic and one of the hottest girl names starting with E.

Eliza originated as a diminutive of Elizabeth and eventually became used as a name in its own right. Despite its similarity to the Hebrew name Aliza, meaning "joyful," the two are unrelated. Eliza Schuyler Hamilton was the wife of Founding Father Alexander Hamilton, recognizable today as one of the lead characters in the musical "Hamilton."

Eliza is one of our favorite names; we love its combination of streamlined modernity and Eliza Doolittle charm and spunk and offer Eliza as one of our top recommendations. It's both a classic and one of the hottest girl names starting with E.

Eliza could theoretically take the place of Elizabeth, cousin name Isabella, and the last generation's Lisa at the top of the charts, and bears a similarity to trendy sisters Ella and Lila. Still, it's got a good measure of eighteenth century backbone and tradition along with its contemporary zip.

Pride and Prejudice's Elizabeth Bennett was often called Eliza; in Harriet Beecher Stowe's anti-slavery novel Uncle Tom's Cabin, Eliza is the intelligent and courageous protagonist.

My Fair Lady's spirited Eliza Doolittle is the classic musical character based on the Shaw play Pygmalion, who is transformed from cockney flower girl to elegant lady, played on stage by Julie Andrews and on screen by Audrey Hepburn.

Eliza Dushku is a charter member of the Joss Whedon rep company of actors, appearing in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Dollhouse and Much Ado About Nothing.

One note: Do not name sisters Eliza and Isabel or Isabella, as they're different forms of mother name Elizabeth.

