Cassandra Pierce on General Hospital: Is she coming back?

General Hospital fans may be wondering if a certain devilishly evil lady is set to return to Port Charles after her name was tossed about yesterday in a conversation between Finn (Michael Easton) and Chase (Josh Swickard).

General Hospital fans may be wondering if a certain devilishly evil lady is set to return to Port Charles after her name was tossed about yesterday in a conversation between Finn (Michael Easton) and Chase (Josh Swickard).

Could Cassandra (Jessica Tuck) be about to come back to town? The clues are tantalizing!

The brothers were catching up when talk turned to Anna (Finola Hughes) who is off trying to solve her umpteenth mystery. Of course, this has left Finn lonely, and he’ll be shark bait once Hayden (Rebecca Budig) lands on her broom.

Apparently, Finn and Anna talk every day but it’s not the same as being in the same country!

Along the way, Finn reminisces about his past with the super spy and Cassandra’s name comes up. She’s been a thorn in many people’s sides, but particularly for Fanna.

She’s not been seen, and out of their lives for months, but Finn still worries about her ability to cause trouble. As far as we know the blonde vixen was being held in a secret location, supposedly by an equally evil member of the Cassadine family. Long story short, Cassandra has all sorts of medical issues, and Finn is the only, yes the only, doctor in the world capable of treating her.

Later, fans watched as a mystery woman, who was not shown, booked a flight to Port Charles. Cue the violins, pound the drums, could this be Cassandra?

Chances are excellent given the way plot points have been dovetailing. Anna is out of town, Hayden is returning, Cassandra’s name is dropped, a clandestine flight is booked by a suspicious woman. Fans will no doubt start speculating next if Nikolas Cassadine (formerly Tyler Christopher) will be next!

There has been a rumor that he was the one holding her captive, and ardent fans would love to see the bad boy return to kick up muck.

General Hospital airs weekdays on ABC.

