Tribal war is an essential part of the story in Biomutant. It is the focal point of a number of major decisions in the game. However, does that mean the entire war has to be played out?
The short answer is no. Players don't need to finish the entire war, and conflict between the tribes in Biomutant can be stopped early in the game. However, that doesn't mean most players will want to make that decision as there are a couple of downsides to ending the tribe war early in Biomutant.
There are six tribes within Biomutant, and players can decide to join whichever faction they would like. Each tribe has its own philosophy, unique weapon, and an alignment of the aura system which ranges from light to dark.
Once players have found a tribe that they'd like to join in Biomutant, they have an option to start conquering the surrounding tribes in the game. To conquer a tribe, players need to head to a tribe's territory and take down their HQ.
Players should keep in mind that they don't need to conquer everything. Multiple tribes can be joined for a peaceful route, but if players want to end the war early, conquering is the key.
How to end the tribal war early in Biomutant
If players have decided that they want war, they will only need to take down two of the other tribes. When any tribe is conquered, it will be forced to integrate with the victor. Players will no longer be able to join the conquered tribe.
On the other hand, players will be given the choice to end the war. If players choose Happy To End This Early, the war is effectively over. The Biomutant tribes will all unite, and the major story will be over. Players will not be able to get the weapons from the other tribes, and a large portion of the story will be cut.
If players are set on conquering everything, they can choose the Let's Continue The Crusade option. This allows players to take out every single tribe and earn their respective tribal weapons. Of course, this choice will also affect the story, but there will be more content for players to enjoy and more weapons to collect.
Ultimately, the choice is up to the players in Biomutant, but each path is significantly different.
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