Backup / Restore of IBM Domino Server Databases

Backup / Restore of IBM Domino Server Databases Creation Date: August 10, 2009 Revision Date: September 20, 2010 Product: DSClient (Windows) Summary This article covers various backup/restore issues for the IBM Domino Server backup sets.

Backup / Restore of IBM Domino Server Databases

Backup / Restore of IBM Domino Server Databases

Creation Date: August 10, 2009

Revision Date: September 20, 2010

Product: DS‑Client (Windows)


This article covers various backup/restore issues for the IBM Domino Server backup sets.

See Also

DS-Client Requirements

The following requirements must be met to perform online backup / restore of a IBM Domino Server Database.

IBM Notes (client) must be installed on the DS-Client computer. It must be configured with “Connect to Domino Server” with Administrator privileges.

This allows DS-Client to backup all the mailboxes from the IBM Domino Server.

For each IBM Domino Server Database you want to backup, you will need the following files:


A text file containing settings for the separate, corresponding file.

This file can be found in the IBM Notes (client) installation location on the DS-Client computer.

You must make sure this file’s “KeyFileName” parameter references the exact current location of the corresponding file (as seen from the DS-Client computer).

This file is required for the “Database Credentials” when creating a IBM Domino Server backup set.

A binary file from the IBM Domino Administrator (generated from the IBM Domino Administrator machine).

This file must belong to a IBM Domino Administrator or user with “Administrators” rights.


Restore to Alternate Location is not supported for IBM Domino Server Database backup sets.

Restoring IBM Domino Server Database in a Clustered Environment

To restore clustered IBM Domino Server Databases, the following steps are required:

1.You must have a backup of all the database(s) of the IBM Domino Server that are in the clustered environment.

2.Restore each database to its original location.

When doing the restore, you must manually shutdown all other servers (in the cluster), except for the target server.

In the Restore Wizard’s “Select Restore Options” screen, you must select the “Keep Replica ID' option.

3.Repeat step 2 for all the databases in the cluster.

4.After all the databases have been restored, restart all servers in the cluster (one at a time).

IMPORTANT:  If old data was restored, then all the newer data which was created after that backup will be lost. If you restore data only to one server (in the cluster), after restarting that server, the ‘replica’ will apply all new changes (those which happened after the backup time, on the restored server). For example: User Mike's draft email with subject "Happy new year" was backed up. After backup, he deleted this email. Then after restore, this email does not appear in Mike's draft folder. Since replication of the databases dbdirman.nsf, dpicfg.nsf and webadmin.nsf is not allowed, the replica ID of these three databases will change after any restore.

